Parched land

There I sat, head phones blaring Maverick City worship, with my Bible laid open. My eyes glazed over the first multiple chapters before I realized my head was somewhere else. I wasn’t even engaging the scripture. Nothing was happening during my intimate time with the Lord. It wasn’t actually intimate at all. 

But then I read “I spread out my hands to you: I thirst for you like a parched land” Psalms 143:6. All of a sudden I was back. My mind was no longer wandering. I began to ask myself. 

What does that look like? 

What does it look like to be a parched land?

Pictures began to fill my mind. How often do I press into Him like a parched land? Yes I have my quiet moments with the living God but do I come to Him parched ready to drink in His goodness in a way that fully fills me up?

Do I recognize how desperately I need Him? Life gets busy and it can be easy to get enough of God that I think I am good but He wants me to recognize that I am parched. Nothing can fill me like His Living water. Jesus Christ. 

Today let’s have Him fill every part of us. Recognizing that we are parched without Him. Our Living Water. 




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