
Even though it was supposed to be pitch black outside the lights sparkled and reflected off the beautiful snow covered yard. As I pondered my week I looked out and was reminded how finite I am.

There are seasons that can feel more hectic then others but it’s just a drop in the bucket to the vastness of our God. He’s infinite, powerful and majestic. He’s so much bigger then we expect. He’s so much wiser and powerful.

We are but dust in the vast scheme of things and yet He chooses to make His home in our hearts. He chooses to dwell in us.

Whatever storms rage in or around me my heart cry is to put my trust in the living God. To keep a heart of thankfulness and always expect Him to show up. No matter what situations look like. God can turn all things for His glory.

Today I choose thankfulness. I choose to see our Savior in the midst of all circumstances. He is bigger then I can imagine!




Parched land