Sanders EPIC Mission

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There I sat sharing what was happening and where God was leading us when a question came up.

"How close is the nearest hospital where you are going?"

Hmmm . . . I realized I hadn't even thought about that. Here I am with four young children ready to take them half way across the world and I hadn't done my own research to determine if the the place we were taking them was "safe". But God had spoken so we were obeying even if in the worlds eyes we are not being "safe".

Yet what exactly is safe? So often people want to keep their kids "safe" and so they avoid anything that would cause them to be afraid. And yet do we know what tomorrow brings? Do we know what will happen around the corner? Do we know what will happen at our child's school?

So many places we deem as "safe" yet the reality is we don't know the future. But we do know the one that holds the future. We know that where God leads us truly is the safest place to be.

Does that mean we won't have troubles?

Ha ha ha . . . One can just look at our history to know that's not true. Troubles and problems are all around us. But the peace that God, the One True and Living God can bring is what takes away ALL FEAR. He takes away ALL FEAR!

So the goal isn't to find the "safest" place for our children or for ourselves but our goal is to follow the Living God. Hear His voice and follow hard after Him! For when we know His Will he says "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him." I John 14-15.

So today let us not look at the impossibilities or fear but let us look at Jesus! The Author and Perfector of our faith. For He says "Follow Me" and "Fear Not". For as we follow Him we will find perfect peace and we will know what to pray for.