Sanders EPIC Mission

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As I sit in a stiff hospital bed between two sleeping bodies, Esperanza and Bruce, my heart feels exhausted. The last several days have been filled with high emotions and very little sleep (click here if you haven’t heard).

Yet God has surrounded us with so many amazing people who have helped with kids, have prayed, brought us food and blessed us beyond measure! We are so thankful for such an incredible community!

Thank you Shari for donating your time to teach Esperanza how to ride horses.

As for Esperanza we have good news and news that we are going to need to chew on for a bit. The good news is she no longer has hydrocephalus. They were able to drill a hole through her skull, down through her brain and open her ventricles at the bottom of her brain so the fluid can now escape (without a shunt which is amazing). The healing process will however take some time both emotionally and physically so your prayers are greatly appreciated.

The news we need to chew on is: “What’s next?” Well this part will unfold once we move to Pensacola. There is a children’s hospital only 20 minutes from our home which will be incredible compared to the 3.5 hours we had to do this time.

Yet what will that all entail? We are not exactly sure. We know that Esperanza’s tumor has grown enough that they are concerned that we’d need to do this same kind of procedure again in the near future.

Therefore, without a miracle (which we are totally open for anytime) we will need to start walking into next steps. The doctor here in Arkansas recommends that we start pursuing options for the tumor in 4-6 weeks (which gives us a little time to get settled in Florida).

Your prayers have blessed us and we ask that you continue. We are ready for this journey with the tumor in Esperanza’s head to be over!

Thank you for your prayers as we walk this process out.