Faith as a child
Inspirational Kara Sanders Inspirational Kara Sanders

Faith as a child

“Mom, my friend asked why we were saying we were going to this nation when we didn’t have any money yet to go. I told her we are missionaries and we go where God guides knowing He will come through with the finances.”

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Red socks
Evangelism Kara Sanders Evangelism Kara Sanders

Red socks

We closed our eyes in silence and instantly a picture of red socks with a little yellow on the side appeared. As people prayed out this picture did not leave my mind.

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Bali in a nutshell
Outreach, Indonesia Kara Sanders Outreach, Indonesia Kara Sanders

Bali in a nutshell

"The lights from the strip danced across the street as I watched in horror. A girl, no older then 12 with a look of intense fear smeared across her makeup painted face, held tightly to the back of a motor bike. . .”

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Blunders of a missionary mom
Evangelism Kara Sanders Evangelism Kara Sanders

Blunders of a missionary mom

As I dried off the homeless man's ear buds and put them back on his headphones I apologized profusely. The homeless man waved his hand saying it was no problem at all. He continued his story and I went about engaging. Yet the whole time I was thinking about how I could disinfect my sons mouth.

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Demonic Deliverance
Outreach Kara Sanders Outreach Kara Sanders

Demonic Deliverance

The sun rose across the Indian sky as Bruce sat tucked away amongst the sea of building tops. With a coffee in one hand and his Bible in another. He was completely unaware of what would transpire over the next 48 hours. 

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Entering into Your Future
Australia, Brothels Kara Sanders Australia, Brothels Kara Sanders

Entering into Your Future

We entered, passing cards scattered across the entry table with naked women and the phone number of the brothel neatly printed on the bottom of each card. We sat in the waiting room where hundreds of customers had sat before anxiously waiting for their next sexual addiction to be fulfilled.

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On Our Way to Perth
Kara Sanders Kara Sanders

On Our Way to Perth

"Once you know it's God's will, get moving! At the orphanage we start a new building project as soon as we have three bricks to put on top of each other." Lillian Trasher

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Discouragement or Hope?
Pain Kara Sanders Pain Kara Sanders

Discouragement or Hope?

That pull though to fall into self-pity and even depression was strong as I continuously felt overwhelmed after the accident. That first week and a half I felt like I had to make one intense decision after another. It got even harder as I saw my husband withering in pain on multiple occasions. It was as if I began to question the call God had on our life. Doubt started to creep in and my self-worth began to get hit.

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ER Visit
Kara Sanders Kara Sanders

ER Visit

We REALLY need your prayers! In the middle of the night Gryphin woke up screaming bloody murder. I started to run down the stairs.

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Culture Shock
Africa Kara Sanders Africa Kara Sanders

Culture Shock

God gave us an incredible opportunity to experience a life that was not our own. A life that challenged us to our core and made us reevaluate our priorities. Where are we to spend our time and our resources? What is important? Who is important?

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Confirming The Call
Africa Kara Sanders Africa Kara Sanders

Confirming The Call

One specific incident that rocked me to the core was when the ladies on our team were asked to prepare a message for about 25 women in a vocational school on the YWAM base. I didn't have a clue what to speak about. But

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First World Problems
Africa Kara Sanders Africa Kara Sanders

First World Problems

Have you ever woken up to find ants have eaten through your mosquito net and are now crawling all over you? Or have you lathered your hair with shampoo while in a shower to find that the water tank has just run dry?

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