Walking in Forgiveness
Marriage Kara Sanders Marriage Kara Sanders

Walking in Forgiveness

This November Bruce and I will be celebrating ten years of marriage. Like many of you who are married Bruce and I have had our own share of marital challenges.

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Inspirational Kara Sanders Inspirational Kara Sanders


There are seasons that can feel more hectic then others but it’s just a drop in the bucket to the vastness of our God. He’s infinite, powerful and majestic. He’s so much

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Loss, Grief Kara Sanders Loss, Grief Kara Sanders


It was the grand finale of a two week nightmare. Not prepared for the pain that surged through my body as I vomited uncontrollably.

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Comparing is pride
Inspirational Kara Sanders Inspirational Kara Sanders

Comparing is pride

When we compare ourselves with others what are we doing? Are we glorifying God? Are we edifying the other person? No, we are thinking about ourselves. We then either beat ourselves up or we pat ourselves on our backs. Either direction we are thinking of "ourselves".

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